©2001 |
Troi Automatisering releases Troi Number Plug-in 1.1 for FileMaker 5.5Dynamic balance functions now also available for FileMaker 5.5 and Mac OS X! Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands, July 2nd, 2001--Troi Automatisering today announced the availability of its Troi Number Plug-in 1.1, for FileMaker Pro 5.5 for Mac OS, Mac OS X and Windows. What is the Troi Number Plug-in?The Troi Number Plug-in adds dynamic balance functions to FileMaker Pro. Troi Number plug-in makes it possible to show a running balance of a value in any portal, especially SORTED portals. It does so on-the-fly, whenever any portal data is entered or edited, including changes to the sort key field(s). If for example you change a date and the line "slides" to a new position, all new displayed values are updated. This functionality is accomplished without scripting. "Together with the release of this plug-in we'd like to welcome you to the 2nd half of 2001" said Peter Baanen, company president, "We hope you had a good and productive 1/2 year! We certainly have been busy and we hope you like our new Number plug-in for FileMaker 5.5." Dana Alan Perry of DATA DESIGNS states "I am always looking for ways to accomplish data manipulation with all-FileMaker Pro techniques and am skeptical of Plug-In Mania. In this case, however, Troi Automatisering has created a "must-have" tool for professional FileMaker Pro solutions development." New FeaturesThe Troi Number Plug-in 1.1 adds these new functions and features:
Pricing & AvailabilityA fully functional version of Troi Number Plug-in 1.1 is available for downloading at Troi's Web site at: <http://www.troi.com/software/numberplug.html> . The Troi Number Plug-in 1.1 works with FileMaker Pro 4 and later. The plug-in is available for Mac OS 8.1-9.1, for Mac OS X and Windows95/98 and NT/2000, and costs US$ 19 per user. Product updates from earlier versions are free. Details on developer licenses and multi-user discounts can be found on our web site. You can order licenses via our web site. About Troi AutomatiseringTroi Automatisering is leading developer of cross
platform FileMaker Pro plug-ins. For more information, visit
our Web site at: Contact informationDiana Budding, Troi Automatisering Vuurlaan 18 2408 NB Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands Telephone: +31-172-426606, Fax: +31-172-470539Newsroom: <http://www.troi.com/news/> |